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Onions soup (zuppa di cipolle) from Isabella

Donne del vino-Verona-12 Apostoli- Presidente Elena Martuscello

Onions soup (zuppa di cipolle) from Isabella

Isabella Monguzzi has a wine store in Milano called Vincanto but her real passion is coking. She gifts us with her secret onion soup recipe

Onion soup and Rosa di Tetto IGT

Onion soup and Rosa di Tetto IGT

Cooking in your home kitchen, if done cleverly, can reach excellent levels with poor ingredients and a little time at your disposal.

This soup is a perfect example; it is a dish fit for a king but it takes less than one hour to prepare. It must be matched with an important white or rosé wine such as the IGT Sanchimento and Rosa di Tetto 2012 from Fattoria del Colle, which are intense, and rich in aroma.

Two words regarding Isabella Monguzzi, she is a young woman full of courage who has succeeded in reinventing herself starting from her passion for wine. She hates things that are commonplace and she is constantly dedicated to finding labels still undiscovered, in fact quite a wine talent scout with great nose and imaginativeness. Go to Vincanto, she will surprise you.

Ingredients for 4 people

A knob of butter, 1/2 kg of white saucer shaped onions, 1 lt of beef stock, 300 g of bread, 100 g of gruyere cheese, or sliced cheese, nutmeg, black pepper

Onion soup ingredients

Onion soup ingredients

and salt.


Melt the butter in a terracotta tureen which keeps the aromas intact better than any other container. Slice the onions, put them in the tureen and gently browns them, and then cover with the stock. Cover the tureen with its lid and get the liquid to absorb for at least twenty minutes slowly adding the stock so that the onions do not stick to the bottom. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg and black pepper.

Cut the bread into slices, toast them and put them into a baking tray covering them with 80 g of thinly sliced cheese or the cheese slices. Pour on top all of the onions and stock, sprinkle with the rest of the cheese, put into a hot oven for 10 minutes and then serve.